Sunday, January 15, 2012

The New 2012

Back! Hello darling readers. 

I hope the holidays have been grand for everyone. There's been a small hiatus here on this new blog, but I'm back, working, and in full swing in this New Year. I have some things planned for this site and planned for work. I look forward to sharing them with you all - whoever drops by to read! 

This will be a year of adventure and good fun; a year of hard work; a year of construction and change. I had good chats with friends and colleagues November and December of last year about work and my career. Two things I was told stick out in my head:

  • "If you love doing something then there's a good chance you'll get to do it again and again - because your love will raise you to excellence in that thing you do."
  • "Think of how long you've been learning the language of music and the horn. Now don't let anyone tell you that you don't understand it or know how to speak it."

These two statements will drive this New Year for me. My friend who said the latter thing to me helped me realized how much I do know as a musician. I've allowed things I've encountered in my recent training and experiences to convince me otherwise. Now I know that I am a musician in full - a performer and teacher for others, here to converse in that language of music!

So converse I will. I look forward to 2012. 

Cheers, y'all.

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